Not Doing This Will Drastically Cut Your Pet’s Lifespan

Katy Cable


By Katy Cable-The Weekly Runt
A 4 min. Read

​No that’s not a typo! You read the headline correctly. Now that I have your attention, I’m going to switch it up and give it a PAWsitive spin. In this blog I will be covering something every dog owner can do to add years to their pet’s life. I’m sure you’ll agree, it’s inexpensive and very simple to incorporate. Even better, not only will doing these things give your pet a longer life, it will be a happier, healthier one as well. Another added bonus, you should also save a considerable amount of money in Veterinary bill$!

The number one, single most important thing you can do to add years to your pet’s life is keep them from becoming overweight. The best way to do that …Unleash Your Dog’s Inner-Athlete.

​Prior to CoVid, I was so excited to watch the summer Olympic Games. I’m always awestruck and inspired by the fitness, endurance and strength of the athletes. The Olympics were also a huge motivator for me to become a “ TRY-athlete” with Olive. I’m hoping I can encourage you to do the same with this game plan and some fun ideas. Another great thing, not only will your dog be happier and healthier, you are going to benefit as well.

You know your pet’s energy levels and abilities better than anyone. While some of you with extremely active dogs are already hitting the running and biking trails, a majority of us are super busy and know we could and SHOULD do more. If you’re like me, sometimes the best I can muster up is a few quick walks down the street or throwing a ball a couple times. Unfortunately, that’s not enough. Although it’s a good start and anything is better than nothing, in order to stay lean, fit, well-conditioned, emotionally balanced, and fully mobile as they age, your dog needs some physical activity every day. Not only that, if they don’t get opportunities to run, play and get regular aerobic exercise, even if they’re not overweight, they can end up with arthritis and other debilitating conditions that affect the bones, joints, muscles and internal organs. In addition, many canine behavior problems are the direct result of a lack of physical activity. For optimum health and…



Katy Cable

I love PUGS, cappuccinos and bad carbs. Put my Hashimoto’s into remission with simple food swaps. My holistic tips can help save you a rent payment in vet bills